No site for a refinery

Questions raised, some answered, at Cushing town hall
  • City of Cushing Chairman B.J. Roberson gives a presentation on the financial stability of the city before opening the town hall meeting on June 13 to questions. Photo by DeAnna Maddox
    City of Cushing Chairman B.J. Roberson gives a presentation on the financial stability of the city before opening the town hall meeting on June 13 to questions. Photo by DeAnna Maddox
  • Bruce Johnson explains the issues with finding a location in Cushing for the proposed Southern Rock Energy refinery. Photo by DeAnna Maddox
    Bruce Johnson explains the issues with finding a location in Cushing for the proposed Southern Rock Energy refinery. Photo by DeAnna Maddox
CUSHING — “Where is the refinery going to be?” was a key question that residents sought answers to at the June 13 town hall meeting held at the First United Methodist Church in Cushing.Addressing the gathering of citizens were Cushing City Commission Chairman B.J. Roberson, Cushing Economic Development Director Bruce Johnson, and Cushing City Attorney Jonathan Huseman.So, where is the refinery…

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